The majority of Sentry Box clean

The majority of Sentry Box clean in order to maintain a safe, healthy living environment, but what is ironic and disheartening, is that the majority of household cleaning agents commonly used today contain chemicals that are hazardous to our health and the environment.

This being said, health and safety do not seem to be the number one concern of those whom are manufacturing these dangerous cleaning products.

On the contrary, manufacturers of organic house cleaners have taken into consideration the adverse affects chemical toxins have on our health.

Thus, they have done their homework and spent the time and money necessary to eliminate these chemicals from their products.

You will not find a long list of chemicals on organic house cleaner labels, but instead, a short list of natural ingredients such as citric acid (found in citrus fruits), thyme oil (which is a natural disinfectant) and other plant-based ingredients.

A lot of individuals in today’s time are embracing the idea of building shipping container homes, thanks to the many faces of Modular Home innovation.



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